Monitors with authentication

Up to now, to display a monitor on a device, the URL of the monitor and a password (view token) have been required. This method is very simple, but the disadvantage is that no further logging or securing of the URL takes place. This means that a URL can be used on multiple end devices without being detected.

The monitor has now been extended to provide activation and management of the display devices. Using the display device, go to the configuration web page and scan the QR code. After logging into GroupAlarm (administrator or participant with authorization for the monitor), the organization, the monitor as well as the layout can be selected. In the overview of the used displays you get information about the individual end devices and can change the configuration if necessary as well as delete the device.

Of course, the previous display method will continue to work. If you would like to switch to the new method, simply set the new, uniform URL in your previous display devices and carry out the login process.

Jason Songhurst | Software Engineer
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