> 99.9 % guaranteed availability

GroupAlarm is operated in a highly available cloud environment with three separate availability zones. Additional security is provided by a web firewall with filters against various attack scenarios such as data theft or denial of service.

GroupAlarm Screenshot

Google Cloud Plattform

Secure, high-availability hosting.

GroupAlarm uses a Kubernetes cluster in three independent availability zones deployed in different data centers in the Frankfurt am Main region - at the world's highest-throughput Internet node.

  • Highly available infrastructure
  • Security and maintenance by Google
  • Certified according to ISO 27001, ISO 27017, SOC 2, SOC 3, BSI C5 Testat (Level 2), among others

Compliance at Google

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Safety from the industry leader.

Cloudflare manages millions of websites with over 39 million HTTP requests per second. Public connections to GroupAlarm are secured by CloudFlare.

  • Web firewall against attacks from the Internet
  • Protection against denial of service attacks
  • Cache for faster delivery
  • Certified according to ISO 27001, SOC 2, BSI C5 Testat
GroupAlarm Screenshot

Compliance at Cloudflare

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