Planning appointments with ease

Send appointment invitations, accept or cancel with one click, create reminders. Optimise your scheduling with GroupAlarm

Optimise your scheduling for plannable events

Set up appointments for training, advanced training, courses, fire watches, medical services or internal events directly in GroupAlarm, or internal events directly in GroupAlarm. No more cumbersome appointment requests via e-mail or chat, finding appointments or reminders for series of appointments via third-party providers as well as complicated and complicated participant management solutions.

Plan appointments with ease

With just a few simple steps, you can create appointment invitations for specific events. Whether you invite only selected participants of an organisation or all at once, with this type of appointment setting you save a lot of time and effort in any case.

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One-click feedback

The participants receive the appointment invitations by app or e-mail and have the option of confirming or cancelling with a single click. The feedback is presented in a clear list so that you can see at a glance who has already accepted or cancelled an appointment and which responses you are still waiting for.

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Reminder with time control

Remind your employees, comrades or colleagues of upcoming appointments in a time-controlled manner. This way, no one misses important appointments and you avoid unnecessary staff absences.

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Planning appointments with ease
