Alerting in Healthcare

Stay Ahead of Emergencies: Improve Patient Safety and Rapid Response with GroupAlarm

Alerting in your healthcare setting is critical for ensuring patient safety and rapid response in emergencies. GroupAlarm enhances your patient and facility monitoring solutions by connecting them and your employees into one alerting and crisis management solution.

  • Hospitals, Clinics and Medical Offices
  • Ambulance services
  • Pharmacies
  • Retirement homes, Nursing homes and mental institutions
GroupAlarm Screenshot

Emergency response teams alerting

Alert your emergency medical team quickly and effectively with GroupAlarm in the event of patient circulatory or cardiac arrest to initiate timely resuscitation and life support measures to prevent deterioration of the physical condition.

IT alerting

IT incidents such as the infiltration of malware can significantly impair the supply performance in hospitals. As part of a functioning emergency management system, GroupAlarm provides security through efficient IT alerting.

Lone Worker protection

The risks for medical staff are manifold. Not only during night-time home visits, in rescue operations, but also in the hospital. Ensure more safety for your staff with the integration of dead man’s switches or the F.R.E.D. pager in GroupAlarm.

Panic Button

Medical staff, but also reception staff, need a way to discreetly inform security staff in case of aggressive behaviour by patients or visitors. With the help of a FLIC button/alarm button/emergency button in GroupAlarm, a silent alarm can be triggered to call for help.

Fire detection system

Fires in hospitals, retirement or nursing homes are among the most serious damage events. To protect both staff and patients, you have the option of connecting your fire alarm system to GroupAlarm and thus improve the entire process of your fire protection measures.

GroupAlarm - reliable alerting.

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Premium quality

Two decades of experience

With it roots in Germany's public rescue forces, GroupAlarm grew under rigorous requirements and high-stakes applications. When it comes to alerting people, we are proud to claim that we know what we are doing.

More about alerting

Security and Data Protection

We take security, data protection and resilience seriously. We are certified to ISO/IEC 27001, and independent auditors confirm compliance with the criteria of the C5 catalogue and the criteria of SOC II.

More about security and privacy

Fair and simple

Getting into GroupAlarm is easy and quick. There are no setup fees, nor is our demo gated behind upfront payment mandatory sales consulting. Just sign up and go. If you are happy, you can pay as you go on a monthly basis while getting access to the full functionality of GroupAlarm.

Learn more about our prices